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Monday, April 27, 2009

Michigan Recovery

On Friday, April 24, 2009, Mayor Beach Hall, Council Member Gary Nowak, and I had an opportunity in Alpena to hear Governor Jennifer Granholm speak about Michigan's economic recovery. It was a dynamic talk; our Governor demonstrated that she is working to make a difference. As you may know, I subscribe to the International City Manager's Association (ICMA) Code of Ethics (which is available online and in my office, if you would like to see it). I am completely non-partisan, so please don't take my statement as an endorsement. I'm confident leaders on both sides of the political divide are working to make things better, and I thank them all.

But, now, I am more confident than ever that Michigan will experience an economic recovery. Nobody knows the exact timing, but we do have hope. To find out more about specific programs, go to www.Michigan.gov\recovery

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring Pick Up

The Department of Public Works will conduct annual Spring pick up as follows:

7 am on April 27, 2009: Leave will be picked up at curb side

7 am on April 28, 2009: Brush in bundles will be picked up curb side

EPA Tip O' The Day!

Today's environmental tip: Don't be a drip - fix that leak! Leaky faucets can waste thousands of gallons of water each year, like money down the drain. Repair or replace old or damaged fixtures. If you're not sure you have a leak, check the water meter before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. If the meter does not read exactly the same, you probably have a leak. More information: http://www.epa.gov/watersense/water/simple.htm Podcast: http://www.epa.gov/earthday/podcasts

This is a really good tip! Not only because of the reasons mentioned above but also because the home water leaks may cause water damage to your home, may cause health hazards, and attract pests. You may want a licensed plumber to do the job right. So, don't delay, fix the leak today.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Fishing Tournament, July 25, 2009

If you follow this blog, then you know that, on July 25th, the Hammond Bay Area Angler's Association (HBAAA) 3rd Annual Fishing Tournament is coming to Rogers City.

This is a great fishing tournament, run by pros who know how to do it right. There will be a $25,000 top prize (please see the flyer below for details and restrictions).

Visit Rogers City for a great fishing experience, and learn more about this great event at the link below.


Thanks to Service Clubs and Businesses Who Care

Here is a big thank you to the Service Clubs (Like Kiwanis and the Masons) and Businesses (Like Calcite Credit Union) who care enough to "Adopt a Highway." The great local organizations make our community look nice and prove that we care about our environment. If you, or an organization you represent, are interested in helping with "Adopt a Highway," then please let me know.

Again, thank you to those dedicated people who care!

EPA Tip: Energy Star

Today's environmental tip: Make your home an Energy Star! When you do home maintenance, also do a home energy audit to find out how you can save money by making your home more energy efficiency. And if every American home replaced just one conventional light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb, we would save enough energy to light more than 3 million homes a year. More information: http://www.energystar.gov/homeimprovement Podcast: http://www.epa.gov/earthday/podcasts

Climate Change

The following was published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

EPA Finds Greenhouse Gases Pose Threat to Public Health, Welfare

Proposed Finding Comes in Response to 2007 Supreme Court Ruling

Contact: Cathy Milbourn, 202-564-4355 / 7849 / milbourn.cathy@epa.gov

(Washington, D.C. – April 17, 2009) After a thorough scientific review ordered in 2007 by the U.S. Supreme Court, the Environmental Protection Agency issued a proposed finding Friday that greenhouse gases contribute to air pollution that may endanger public health or welfare.

The proposed finding, which now moves to a public comment period, identified six greenhouse gases that pose a potential threat.

“This finding confirms that greenhouse gas pollution is a serious problem now and for future generations. Fortunately, it follows President Obama’s call for a low carbon economy and strong leadership in Congress on clean energy and climate legislation,” said Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. “This pollution problem has a solution – one that will create millions of green jobs and end our country’s dependence on foreign oil.”

As the proposed endangerment finding states, “In both magnitude and probability, climate change is an enormous problem. The greenhouse gases that are responsible for it endanger public health and welfare within the meaning of the Clean Air Act.”

EPA’s proposed endangerment finding is based on rigorous, peer-reviewed scientific analysis of six gases – carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride – that have been the subject of intensive analysis by scientists around the world. The science clearly shows that concentrations of these gases are at unprecedented levels as a result of human emissions, and these high levels are very likely the cause of the increase in average temperatures and other changes in our climate.

The scientific analysis also confirms that climate change impacts human health in several ways. Findings from a recent EPA study titled “Assessment of the Impacts of Global Change on Regional U.S. Air Quality: A Synthesis of Climate Change Impacts on Ground-Level Ozone,” for example, suggest that climate change may lead to higher concentrations of ground-level ozone, a harmful pollutant. Additional impacts of climate change include, but are not limited to:

· increased drought;
· more heavy downpours and flooding;
· more frequent and intense heat waves and wildfires;
· greater sea level rise;
· more intense storms; and
· harm to water resources, agriculture, wildlife and ecosystems.

In proposing the finding, Administrator Jackson also took into account the disproportionate impact climate change has on the health of certain segments of the population, such as the poor, the very young, the elderly, those already in poor health, the disabled, those living alone and/or indigenous populations dependent on one or a few resources.

In addition to threatening human health, the analysis finds that climate change also has serious national security implications. Consistent with this proposed finding, in 2007, 11 retired U.S. generals and admirals signed a report from the Center for a New American Security stating that climate change “presents significant national security challenges for the United States.” Escalating violence in destabilized regions can be incited and fomented by an increasing scarcity of resources – including water. This lack of resources, driven by climate change patterns, then drives massive migration to more stabilized regions of the world.

The proposed endangerment finding now enters the public comment period, which is the next step in the deliberative process EPA must undertake before issuing final findings. Today’s proposed finding does not include any proposed regulations. Before taking any steps to reduce greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act, EPA would conduct an appropriate process and consider stakeholder input. Notwithstanding this required regulatory process, both President Obama and Administrator Jackson have repeatedly indicated their preference for comprehensive legislation to address this issue and create the framework for a clean energy economy.

More information: http://epa.gov/climatechange/endangerment.html

My thoughts: Regardless of your or my thoughts about climate change, the U.S. Supreme Court and the EPA have made significant findings, as mentioned above. The timing and details of actions are yet to be revealed; however, it seems certain there will be pressure for federal action on greenhouse gases. Our Representative Bart Stupak, First Congressional District, U.S. House of Representative, spoke to us on Friday, April 17, 2009 about his views of the "Cap and Trade" legislation before his committee. He said, "Cap and Trade" (in its current form) will negatively and disproportionately impact Northeast Michigan and the midwest states. He will not vote for it in the current form. Many people and businesses (stakeholders) may face changes due to the EPA findings and proposed legislation. Now is the time to make your views heard in Washington D.C.--so send your thoughts in to the EPA and Bart Stupak during this public comment period. Now is the time to shape the future.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Summer Concert Series

Spring is here, so get ready for the summer! This summer, the Rogers City Summer Concert Series will be better than ever, thanks to the great work of Dave Snow, Executive Director of the Rogers City Area Chamber of Commerce. Dave has taken on the challenge of putting together this year's program. He is going a terrific job, raising funds and booking talent. Since the schedule is not completely final, I'll leave the announcement to Dave; however, plan your summer schedule now, so you can make all the concerts on Friday night in June and July. The setting by the Marina is great, and we hope to see you there for some good times and good tunes!


Today's environmental tip: Don't let pet waste run off! You can help reduce polluted storm water runoff by just picking up your pet's poop and dispose of it properly. Leaving pet waste on the ground increases public health risks by allowing harmful bacteria or organic material to wash into the storm drain and eventually into local waterbodies. So remember - always scoop the poop! More information: http://www.epa.gov/weatherchannel/stormwater.html Podcast: http://www.epa.gov/earthday/podcasts

Besides being a good tip, it is also the right thing to do!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter to One and All

Happy Easter to One and All,

Rogers City has many places to worship. Check out the list under Community Information. Easter is a great time to attend the worship service of your choice. May God Bless.

Presque Isle County Fair

Spring is Here: Golf Course Open!


The Rogers City Country Club
Is open for the season

Give them a call


Information Provided by Dave Snow, Rogers City Chamber of Commerce

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wayfinding Project

The Community Development Authority (CDA) Board of Directors and the City Council approved a proposal from Fleis and VandenBrink Engineers, Inc. to develop a wayfinding plan for the City of Rogers City. The proposal was for $10,400. The entire project is estimated to cost about $70,000. Half of this funding is coming from a Vibrant Small Cities Initiative (VSCI) grant from the Michigan State Housing Authority (MSHDA). The other half is coming from the City and the CDA. Fleis and VandenBrink will begin work immediately, and will provide a plan for the wayfinding signage by the end of June 2009. If you have questions or comments about this project, then please let me know.

EPA Tip of the Day

The following is quoted from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

Today's environmental tip: Be sensible! The Earth might seem like it has abundant water, but in fact only one percent of all water on the planet is available for humans. Buy fixtures and products that are water efficient - you can use less water to get the same job done just as well. When you go shopping, look for the WaterSense label to find water efficient products. More information: http://www.epa.gov/watersense/tips/cons.htm Podcast: http://www.epa.gov/earthday/podcasts

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Michigan Coastal News

The Michigan Coastal Management Program, Department of Environmental Quality, is pleased to announce the Spring, 2009, issue of our quarterly e-newsletter, "Michigan Coastal News," available through the following link:

We invite you to forward this announcement to friends, colleagues, and others interested in the protection, restoration, and management of Michigan’s Great Lakes coastal resources. An archive of previous issues is linked to the Program webpage at www.michigan.gov/deqcoastal.

In this issue:
● New 2009 Coastal Projects Launch, 2010 Project Proposals Requested
● Project Spotlight: Marquette Form-Based Codes
● Michigan Low Impact Development Manual Released
● MSU Researchers Close In On New Lamprey Control
● Rare Species Reports Help State Safeguard Biodiversity
● Council Appointed to Develop Offshore Wind Energy Siting Recommendations
● Volunteer for Michigan's Coast!

Please reply to this e-mail to subscribe or unsubscribe to the newsletter announcement list.

Matt Smar
Coastal Nonpoint Source Coordinator
Michigan Coastal Management Program
Environmental Science and Services Division
Department of Environmental Quality
Phone: 517.335.3459
Fax: 517.241.0858

Great Marine Heritage

Images courtesy of Great Lakes Divers

Biz Buzz, April 15, 2009

You are invited to attend a Rogers City Community Forum, otherwise known as the "Biz Buzz." Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this interesting and informative session. It is open to all and your participation is important to the success of our community.

April 15, 2009
Rogers City Senior and Community Center

7:15 – 7:30 A.M.
Coffee and Donuts

7:30 A.M.
Business Buzz Program

8:30 A.M.
Program Ends and Informal Discussions Begin

Business Buzz Program:

A. Wolverine Project Panel Discussion, Moderated by Dave Nadolsky with panelists:
Ken Bradstreet, Mike Grohowski, Bob Paschke, Deb Greene, Mike Marx, and Mark Slown

B. 2009 Street Lights Improvement Project, Harry Wearinga, Fleis & VandenBrink, Inc.

C. Rogers City Area Chamber of Commerce, Dave Snow, Executive Director

Nautical City Festival

The 2009 Nautical City Festival, August 4-9, promises to be better than ever. The Festival Committee plans to create the best festival ever with all new events, new bands, new give aways, and much more. I can not release the secret plans, but there will be some attractions every one will want to see!

It is still early, so plan your summer activities to include the Rogers City Nautical City Festival. You will be glad you did.

Department of Energy Helps Consumers

Here is information from the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) to help you save money on your home.

DOE's Energy Savers Web Site Helps Consumers Stay Cool, Save Money.

Warm weather is on its way. That usually means electric bills will increase and Americans will use more energy than at any other time of year to keep their homes or businesses cool and comfortable.

Finding ways to combat these high costs is essential, and that is why DOE has launched the Stay Cool, Save Money Web site. This educational tool can help consumers be more energy efficient by implementing simple, cost-effective, energy saving solutions this spring and summer.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Environmental Tip from EPA

Here is the official tip from EPA: "Today's environmental tip: Reduce your carbon footprint! Leaving your car at home twice a week can cut greenhouse gas emissions by 1,600 pounds per year. Save up errands and shopping trips so you need to drive fewer times. If you commute to work, ask if you can work from home at least some days, and you'll reduce air pollution and traffic congestion - and save money."

Brian Wagner our Rogers City Harbor Master, sets a great example for us; most days, he uses his bicycle to go to and from work. Therefore, Brian is the City's environmental "super star" for saving fuel and living a healthy life style! Even if you can not follow all these EPA tips, or emmulate Brian, you can probably find some way to cut down on energy use. Your energy savings will help America and save you money!

In 2009, Rogers City will be fine!

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