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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sunrise on Lakeside Park

More great reasons to love Rogers City

Little League

Rogers City is a great place in so many ways! Our Little League is one example; it is as American as it gets. Above is a picture from our opening day parade. My thanks to Peter Jackey from the Presque Isle Advance for taking the picture and allowing me to show it here.
Our Little League will rekindle your faith in America. It is a joy to see all the kids and their parents lined up for the opening day ceremony, and to hear the game sounds drifting on a warm summer breeze....
We have over 200 youngsters participating this year from ages 5 - 16. Team divisions include both boys baseball and girls softball in the:

1. Rookie League, ages 5-7
2. Minor League, ages 8-10
3. Major League, ages 11-12
4. Junior League, ages 13-14
5. Senior League, ages 15-16

The League is chartered for Rogers City and Posen areas, and it is governed by a Board of Directors. The current president is Eric Brege, who is doing an outstanding job. My thanks, on behalf of all our citizens, to Mr. Brege and the entire Board of Directors, and all the volunteers, and parents who make this wonderful experience possible.

The league plays against other leagues during the season to include, Alpena, Hillman, Onaway, Cheboygan, Petoskey, Indian River, Rudyard and Pellston.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Downtown Economic Study

As part of the Vibrant Small Cities Intiative, Rogers City won grant funding to help pay for an economic study of the downtown. The purpose of the study is to: "provide a comprehensive examination, analysis, vision, goals, and implementation plan for a public/private initiative to revitalize the Rogers City downtown district."

This "study" is really a process to help our community to move forward. To understand how the process works and your important role in it, please review the request for qualifications (RFQ) linked below. The RFQ is for professional consultants and provides them a fair means to compete for this important work; however, it is also for you as citizens to understand what is being done, why, and how you can participate.


The City has sent this RFQ out to about a dozen companies, and statements of qualifications (SOQ) are due back to the City at 2 pm on July 8, 2009. The Community Development Authority (CDA) and the City Council are looking for the best consultant to accomplish the project as described in the RFQ.

There will be several opportunities for you, as citizens of our community, to become involved in the process of making our community a vibrant small city.

Mr. Bill Valentine wrote the initial draft RFQ, and I want to publically express my thanks for his work. Many other people and groups in the community from the Chamber of Commerce, the Promotions Committee, the Design Committee, the CDA, the City Council, City Staff, and individual citizens like Rachel Goodstein, Cheryl Peters, Judy McFalda, and Mary Ann Heidemann helped to craft this RFQ.

Please, review this RFQ and begin to think about the process. It is fair to say that we all want to make Rogers City a vibrant place once again.

Walkability Audit with Dan Burden

Rogers City is scheduled to obtain a free Walkability Audit from word famous walkability expert Ban Burden. Mr. Burden has written several books on making communities pedestrian friendly, and has investigated the pedestrian friendliness of thousands of communities around the world. He will bring his special knowledge and expertice to Rogers City on July 10, 2009. Below is a tentative Itninerary for his visit:


The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is coordinating and sponsoring this event. The general public is welcome to participate and help make Rogers City a better place to "walk around." I strongly encourage your participation in this opportunity to make Rogers City a better community. If you will be unavailable on July 10, 2009, please send me your comments and suggestions.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

More on Cocktail Cruise

MATT SCHOCH of the Times Herald has a great article in the June 10, 2009 addition of the Times Herald. Portions of the article are copied below. You can see the entire article at
Here is some of what Mr Schoch had to say:

Detroit's Bob Cowles has a solution for those who like the idea of sailing north on Lake Huron this July but aren't so crazy about the choppy water and sleepless nights.
Cowles is organizing the Cocktail Cruising Race with three nights of stops before the finish line in Rogers City in conjunction with the Port Huron-to-Mackinac Island Sailboat Race.
Cruisers will take off before the Mackinac boats July 25 from north of the Blue Water Bridge in Lake Huron....

Cowles said there are others like him who love to sail but don't want the strain of the nonstop, 298-statute-mile race to Mackinac Island....

The cocktail cruise winners will be recognized at the Bayview Yacht Club awards ceremony in the fall along with winners of the Mackinac race classes.

Mackinac Race Chairman Frank Kern said it is exciting to have the cruisers as part of the festivities. However, he warns not to get the Cruising Race confused with the Cruising Class, the lowest class of boats in the Mackinac Race.

"They're just doing it their way. Bayview (Yacht Club, the Mackinac race organizer) has always wanted to promote sailing. That's what we do," Kern said. "We're hoping if they see all the other things go on, with the pageantry in Port Huron and everything, they are more interested in our race as well."

Cowles said since the race has been announced, he has heard from officials in a couple of the cities planned as stops, including the mayor of Rogers City. "They're looking forward to it, and they're going to make some arrangements for us," Cowles said. "They're very anxious to have us come." Cowles expects about 10 to 15 boats to participate.

Thanks to the Herald Times for covering this great story.

As City Manager, I welcome our guests! Thank you, Mr. Cowles for starting up this fun event.

Rogers City's Harbor Advisory Committee, the City Council, the Mayor, The Chamber of Commerce, and the entire business community hope to make the Cruisers' stay memorable. Rogers City has a lot to offer our guests, including a first rate Marina, an increasingly vibrant historic downtown district, beautiful and extensive trails and parks, and many wonderful natural resources. We hope this Cocktail Cruise will become a annual event.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Downtown Economic Study

Attached is a final draft Request for Proposals (RFQ) for a Downtown Economic Study for the City of Rogers City. This RFQ will be issued very soon; however, there is still a period of time for comments and suggestions.

Here is the file:

Send your comments and suggestions to me at mslown@rogerscity.com

Nautical City Festival Brochure

The 2009 Nautical City Festival Brochure is available at City Hall and at the Rogers City Area Chamber of Commerce. This looks like the Best Festival Ever!

You call also check out all the latest info at the Festival Website:


Monday, June 1, 2009

Cocktail Cruise Headed to Rogers City

The Annual Huron to Mackinac boat race is coming to our neighborhood! Acording to the Detroit Free Press, "The Cocktail Cruise is to start at the regular Mackinac starting line at 10 a.m. July 25 -- one hour before the start of the other Mackinac race.

They'll sail to Harbor Beach the first night, stopping in Harrisville the next night, Presque Isle on July 27 and finishing at Rogers City on July 28, adding up their times for each day's sail." To read the full story go to:


Rogers City is excited that these boaters decided to visit here. We'll do our best to show them a "Great RC Welcome" (More to follow).

Boaters who visit Rogers City will discover that our Marina is a wonderful place to stay for a season of great boating or just stop for the night enroute to distant shores.