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Friday, September 30, 2011

City Council Meeting

City Council meeting has moved up to Monday, October 3, 2011 due to the annual Michigan Municipal League Meeting next week. The meeting time remains at 7:00 pm. If you have a question or comment, please come to the Council meeting and "sound off." This is your local government--we want to hear from you.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Nautical City News

This is a special edition of the Nautical City News.  Look for a full newsletter in the next edition.

Mayor’s Message: Thanks to all the citizens of Rogers City for putting up with the many challenges of the USDA construction projects.  Many of you put up with torn up streets, discolored water, and possibly other issues.  The good news is that most all the street work has been completed; although, some clean up items are still in progress.

Other, project work is still on going at the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP), new water tower, and new well drilling efforts. The WWTP project will most likely continue into next year, but it has remained in continuous operation during the construction.  The WWTP continues to meet all regulations and standards.  The improvements will make the WWTP more energy efficient and reliable.

The new water tower is structurally completed; however, it is not yet in operation.  Electrical system installation was delayed due to Consumers Energy power supply issues.  The new water tower is expected to be in operation by the end of the year.

The well drilling going on in the Seagull Point Park area will result in higher quality drinking water for all.  A primary and a test well have been successfully drilled with preliminary water test results positive.  A third well is going to begin drilling soon.

Again, I want to thank each of you for your patience with these large and complex projects.  They will make Rogers City a better place to live for decades to come.


Rogers City’s website has a new look and some new content at www.rogerscity.com
There you will find a link to Facebook, a calendar of local events, links to other websites, information about taxes,  Chamber of Commerce information, and the City Manager’s weblog.   Your tax information is also on the Presque Isle County website:  www.presqueislecounty.org

 Street Light Construction:

Phase 2 begins in October 2011 and should be completed before the end of the year.  There may be periods when there are no street lights operational on Third Street between Huron and Depot Street.


Don’t forget to register and vote in the election scheduled for November 8, 2011.

Dashboard/Citizen’s Guide:

To obtain full funding from the State of Michigan, Rogers City has published a Dashboard and Citizen’s Guide.  These documents are available at City Hall and at www.rogerscity.com

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                            City Hall will be closed on November 24 and 25, 2011.

Community Mediation Services

Have a serious problem with someone? Try the Community Mediation Services as a means to resolve the problem. Their mission is "to assist people in resolving their disputes in a confidential, affordable and peaceful manner by providing trained mediators in a neutral setting." Call 1-800-873-7658.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

International Walk to School Day--October 5, 2011

Everyone is welcome to celebrate International Walk to School Day on October 5, 2011.  The Rogers City "Walking" School buses will be in operation with various community leaders and parents walking with the students to school.  Walking does a body good!  Come out and set an example on October 5, 2011.

Rogers City has participated in the Safe Routes to School (SR2S) program for over four years.  If you believe in walking as an important part of a healthy life you are welcome to get involved.  Please contact me and we will find a role for you to help with this great SR2S program

Monday, September 26, 2011


Rogers City's website will be getting a new look soon.  Watch for the updated sight coming soon.