Gallup CEO to economic conference: Entrepreneurial spirit a necessity
10:51 AM, March 19, 2013
By John Gallagher
Detroit Free Press Business Writer
Of all the talent and skills that America needs, an entrepreneurial spirit may be the most important, the head of the Gallup polling organization told the Governor’s Economic Conference
in Detroit this morning.
Jim Clifton, CEO
of Gallup, gave the morning keynote presentation at Cobo Center and said that America misplaces the emphasis on innovation."We have a gross oversupply of innovation" and not enough entrepreneurship, Clifton told the several hundred attendees that included Gov. Rick Snyder."Innovation has no value whatsoever until a customer is standing next to it," he added. Using the old maxim about putting the horse before the cart, he said that the cart holds innovation but cannot go anywhere without the horse of entrepreneurship.But only three of 1,000 people may be true natural entrepreneurs, he said, and America needs to do a better job of identifying them early and getting them the training they need, much as America identifies sports talent at a young age.The conference thus continued the emphasis on how to nurture talent in Michigan and how to connect skilled workers with the available jobs to bring down Michigan’s unemployment rate
, still historically high at around 9% even three years after the recession officially ended.Among other remarks, panelists spoke to the need to create vibrant places to live and play in addition to creating good jobs.“Sense of place and quality of place are an important part of what we have to sell,” Mike Finney, president and CEO of the Michigan Economic Development Corp., told the conference.Contact John Gallagher at or 313-222-5173
I agree that the entrepreneurial spirit is extremely important. Rogers City has enjoyed four new businesses start this year. But, we need more of this spirit. It is essential to future American propserity. Rogers City welcomes people with an entrepreneurial spirit.
Jim Clifton, CEO
I agree that the entrepreneurial spirit is extremely important. Rogers City has enjoyed four new businesses start this year. But, we need more of this spirit. It is essential to future American propserity. Rogers City welcomes people with an entrepreneurial spirit.