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Monday, August 4, 2008

Nautical City Festival Success

Nautical City Festival 2008 has come and gone. As the amusement rides are packed for transport, as the big tent comes down, as the City crews clean up, and as we all go back to work--we know we had a great Nautical City Festival!

The Queen's pageant was filled with drama. The car show was bigger than ever with about 100 cars. The Quilters were back and "pieceable" this year. The Texas Hold 'Em game had more players than last year. Some food booths did a record business and all the food was tasty; I know! The bands played every sort of music imaginable and loudly. The Softball Tournaments were a blast! With many interesting floats and many candidates out to great the people, the parade was a big success! Rosco gave away loads of free shakes.... The Strawberry Shortcake and Ice Cream Social sold more than ever.

Yes, there were some things that could be improved and probably will be next year. Next year will be even better.... Except perhaps the Fireworks--not sure we can top those. Happy 90th and thanks to Mrs. McLennan!

Probably best of all: no one was hurt and no one was arrested. Thanks to our citizens and guest for acting responsibly!

Certainly, for this year and these economic conditions, a lot of money was spent, vendors and businesses did well, and most everyone had a good time! It was a good week for our community.

The Festival Committee members and all the volunteers deserve a big thank you! Thank you for making our hometown so special. Rogers City is great in 2008!

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