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Monday, May 4, 2009

Area Fishing Looking Up!

This news was published in the Presque Isle County Economic Development Newsletter.

"Steelhead planting in the Ocqueoc River is certainly good news for Presque Isle County fishermen and visiting sportsmen. Recently the Ocqueoc River received 22,000 eight-inch steelhead planted by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Division. With the aid of Hammond Bay Area Anglers Association members, the fish were able to make their way out to Lake Huron without interference from cormorants. The fish will return to spawn in the Ocqueoc and Trout rivers in three years. This year healthy fish have been taken along 20 miles of the Ocqueoc River. Improvements continue to be made on the river, especially from the second weir near the Ocqueoc Outdoor Center to Lake Huron. Outfitters and canoe livery services are available in the area for hunters, fishermen, canoes and kayaks."

Come to Rogers City to find premier outdoor sports activity, including great fishing.

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