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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Management Approach

I am meeting with City employees tomorrow morning to keep communications open during a challenging time.  I plan to share my core management approach with them, and I thought I should share it with the public as well.   Based on my training and experience, the following words summarize the management approach I seek to use: respect for all individuals, an assumption of goodness/honesty until proven otherwise, individual accountability for actions, data and fact-based decision making, a system of uniform (or equal) service to all the public, aggressively seeking opportunities & continuous improvement, maximum communication, and a collaborative style.

Each of these phrases is a bit cryptic and subject to vagueness or misunderstanding.  I may try to expand and clarify them as time allows, but these word say to me the approach I should take in doing the work of this great and demanding job.  If you have suggestions or comments, please let me know.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve.

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