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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Party Thank You

Thanks to the Kiwanis Club, Key Club, Hospice of Michigan, Fire and Police Departments for making the Halloween Parade and Party a big success.  Over 200 children participated in the organized activities which included a parade, "pumpkin bowling," scary costumes, and lots of treats. Everything proceeded without incident and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

The Kiwanis Club organized the event and provided most of the treats. The Mike Myers Family deserve a special thank you for providing the decorations. The Key Club provided positive energy, helped with set up and tear down, served up the treats, and ran the pumpkin bowling. The Fire Department was generous with their facility, moving all the fire trucks out of the Fire Hall, so the party could take place.
Police Office Matt Bission handed out over 300 glow bracelets to help identify numerous ghosts, princes, pirates, and other action figures.  Hospice provided popular popcorn treats. All-in-all it was a grand time.
Thank you to everyone who made it possible.

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