Here is a great article about how place and entrepreneurship are related. Rogers City is a terrific place for a business owner/developer who is looking for a wonderful place to locate. Of course your criteria is everything. It depends on what you are looking for! We have great Lake Huron views and beaches 200 yards from downtown. Natural, nature, and more wonderful nature all around: two state parks within 5 miles, a dozen city parks and trails. A first class marina with diving, access to well-preserved shipwrecks, and ton's of other water fun/adventures. Our people are hard working and honest. We have an intriguing history, access to arts and cultural events, and a fairly well-educated population. Real estate is very resonably priced. Also, Rogers City is very inclusive--a welcoming and friendly small town. Rogers City might be the perfect place for an entrepreneur, like you.
How place impacts entrepreneurship
Detroit Venture Partners at the M@dison Building
For this special report we picked Detroit, Ann Arbor and Grand Rapids and asked our writers to dig into these questions.
In Detroit, social entrepreurship is spreading like wildfire, but nowhere is it more visible than at downtown's M@dison building, a property developed by Dan Gilbert, founder of Quicken Loans, majority owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers basketball franchise and, perhaps most important to this story, a principal in Detroit Venture Partners, a venture capital firm that funds start-up and early-stage technology companies in the city.
In Ann Arbor, we tightened the focus on where entrepreneurs really get social, and found it was at places like Cafe Zola and Tech Brewery. This in vivid contrast to where traditional dealmakers have met -- and still do in many places -- private country clubs. We were looking for inclusivity not exclusivity, and we found it.
In Grand Rapids, our search led to developer Sam Cummings, a pioneer in historic renovation and adaptive re-use of underperforming properties.
All three are examples of how entrepreneurial innovation is helping change the urban fabric of Michigan cities.
Our partner on this project is the Michigan State Housing Development Authority, or MSHDA.