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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Master Plan Scope Of Services

The City of Rogers City is beginning a Master Plan Update process.  The City is working with the Northeast Michigan Council of Governments (NEMCOG) to complete the process.  The scope of services document below describes what NEMCOG and the City will do to accomplish the plan update.  Your comments and input are welcome.

Here is the text of NEMCOG's scope of services document:

Rogers City Master Plan Update

Scope of Services

January 16, 2013

Total Cost: Not to exceed $11,035
This project will be completed under the current Rogers City Planning Services Contract dated
9/17/12. The Northeast Michigan Council of Governments (NEMCOG) will work with Rogers
City to update the 2006 Master Plan.

The Master Plan Update Process:

1.     Notification

State planning statutes require the notification of adjacent townships, counties, cities, villages and
any registered utilities or agencies prior to beginning work on a plan. Rogers City will complete this task.

2.    Master Plan Subcommittee

A subcommittee of the Planning Commission will be utilized to assist with the update process. The
subcommittee will consist of three members of the Planning Commission and the Zoning Administrator.

 3.    Background Chapter Update

NEMCOG will update the background chapters including Introduction, Natural Resources, Social
and Economic Characteristics, and Existing Land Use.

4.     Development of Public Input Survey

NEMCOG will develop a public input survey to be conducted online.

5.     Meeting 1

NEMCOG will meet with the subcommittee to review background chapters and public input survey draft.

6.     Public Input Survey

The survey will be available online and will remain online for at least one month.

7.     Develop a Master Street Plan

8.     Update of Goals/Objectives, Future Land Use, and Implementation and Adoption Chapters

NEMCOG will analyze survey results and update the Goals and Objectives and Future Land Use based on the
survey results.

9.     Meeting 2:  NEMCOG will meet with the subcommittee to review draft Goals and Objectives and Future
         Land Use.

10.   Meeting 3: If Needed

 Time is being reserved for a third possible meeting with either the Master Plan Sub-Committee or
 Planning Commission.

11.   Scope of the sustainability Component of the Master Plan

NEMCOG (Richard Deuell) through an alternative funding source and at no additional cost to the City will:
a.  Hold a workshop with the Planning Commission to present concepts on sustainability and
identify sustainability policies the community will incorporate into their Master Plan.
b.  Evaluate effectiveness of current goals and future land use to address chosen sustainability policies.
c.   Incorporate additional concepts into goals and future land use plan.

12.   Planning Commission Review and Approval of Draft

 Planning Commission reviews draft plan and transmits draft to City Council.

13.   City Council Approves for Distribution

 City Council approves the draft for distribution to required recipients.

14.   Distribution of Draft

 Draft plan is sent to required recipients. Rogers City will complete this task.

15.   Comment Period

 63-day waiting period commences.

16.   Public Hearing

Planning Commission holds public hearing on draft plan. Planning Commission makes changes or responds
to comments. Planning Commission approves plan.

17.   Distribution

Plan is sent to required recipients. Rogers City will complete this task.

Updates to be made to the Master Plan

Minor changes to chapter
Natural Resources
Minor changes to chapter, including maps and graphics
Social and Economic Characteristics
Update demographics, housing and economic data
Community Services and Facilities
Minor changes to chapter, including maps and graphics
Existing Land Use
Update chapter, including maps and graphics
Community Goals and Objectives
Review goals and objectives to identify which have been accomplished, evaluate relevance of remaining items and determine if new goals and objectives are required.  Update chapter with information gathered during public input session or survey.
Future Land Use Plan
Examine future land use plan to determine if categories and areas still meet the needs of the community. Update chapter with information gathered during public input session or survey
Implementation and Adoption
Add Zoning Plan*
Include record of the approval process, such legal transmittals, public notice and minutes

Products: NEMCOG

NEMCOG will provide digital draft copies of each plan element as they are updated and completed. 
NEMCOG will create and tabulate a survey to gather input from City residents.  NEMCOG will assist
 the City in developing a Master Street Plan. NEMCOG (Richard Deuell) will incorporate sustainability
concepts and goals into the Master Plan. NEMCOG will post draft sections and the final document on
its web site.  After the public hearing and plan adoption, copies of the final approved Master Plan,
in digital format, will be provided to the City. NEMCOG will assist the City in setting up and conducting
the legally required public hearings on the Master Plan; including preparation of legal notices.
Rogers City will be responsible for publishing the legal notices. Rogers City will hold the hearing and
will answer any questions or concerns raised by local officials or the public. One set of revisions
to incorporate changes requested at the public hearing will be completed.

Services to be provided by Rogers City for Master Plan Preparation

Rogers City will prepare and mail the required Notice of Intent to Prepare a Master Plan
to required recipients. Rogers City will make available, free of charge, all existing information
pertinent to the planning process.  This will include city maps, reports, data on local building
activities, any file information on the social or economic conditions within the city, any
information concerning existing public services and facilities, and other existing file material
related to plan preparation. The Rogers City Master Plan Sub-Committee also agrees to provide
input and guidance throughout the master planning process. This approach will work towards
identifying community concerns or controversy at the earliest possible stage. The Rogers City
Master Plan Sub-Committee also agrees to provide assistance with the parcel by parcel
classification of existing land use. Rogers City agrees to pay for publication of all required legal


The Master Plan will be completed within the timeframe specified in the 2013 Coastal Zone
Management Grant Contract.

Note: If Rogers City requests work activities outside this scope, there would be additional charges, based on time and materials expended by NEMCOG staff. The additional charges would be determined and agreed upon, prior to NEMCOG proceeding with the expanded scope. Also, cost for additional meetings requested by the City, not including the three (3) meetings identified in this proposal will be $400 per meeting.

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