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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

High School Earns Bronze Award

U.S. News and World Report recently gave Rogers City High School as Bronze Award in its national ranking of High Schools in America. Locals have always know our High School is a great school. It is nice to see some national recognition for the work of our dedicated staff, teachers, and awesome students! Congratulations RCHS!

Rogers City High School is part of the Rogers City Area Schools School District, Presque Isle County, located at 1033 W. Huron Avenue, Rogers City, MI 49779, Telephone: (989) 734-9170.

Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Grant Announced

The Michigan Coastal Management Program announced it is recommending a grant of $10,000 for the City of Rogers City. The grant will help the Planning Commission to conduct a complete review of the City Zoning Ordinance and to make needed revisions to it. The City has retained the services of the Northeast Michigan Council of Governments (NEMCOG) to help conduct the zoning ordinance review, using professional planners on the NEMCOG staff such as Richard Duell and Denise Cline. The review is already in process, and the grant will allow the City to speed up the review process. Updates and improvements to the City Zoning Ordinance will help position the City to take advantage of economic opportunities associated with the Wolverine Clean Energy Venture and with the coming economic recovery.

Mr. Matt Smar of CZM announced the pending grant award in a letter to the City of rogers City dated December 9, 2008. The grant award is pending final approval of the U.S. Department of Commerce. A grant contract is expected "in the near future."

Monday, December 15, 2008

New Link to Community Health Resources

Check out the new link to community health resources on our home page. You will find dozens of service providers and community services of every kind. It is your "one stop shop" for all things related to community health resources. Have a healthy holiday!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008

Fire Authority

The Rogers City Area Fire Department Authority (RCAFDA, pronounced Re caf da), or simply the Fire Authority, held a meeting last night. In addition to the board members and staff, Kathleen Tulgestke, Nathan Langlois and Mike Kroll also attended. Kathleen was looking for relief from a fire run charge, and the board has ask staff to write a letter to the insurance company about their non-payment. There was discussion of the agenda, and the budget for 2009 was approved. Chief Tim Luebke is working on improved training, including ice rescue, vehicle extrication, and smoky-building searches, in addition to all the regular figher-fighter training. The Fire Authority Board is considering purchase of a new pumper truck, estimated to cost about $225,000.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Letter of Appreciation

The City of Rogers City received the following letter from a participant in the recent Michigan Oral History Association (MOHA) conference here in November:

"Thank you for so graciously welcoming all of us to Rogers City for the MOHA conference. You provided a real sense of place, which was the highlight of the conference." Sincerely, Rachel

This is a very accurate comment about our community. Rogers City, indeed, has a truly unique character and is a very special place. Thanks for your letter Rachel!

Mike Kerr Retires

Congratulations to Mr. Mike Kerr, who retired today, after working for the City of Rogers City for 34 year. City employees helped Mike celebrate with cake, cards, and small gifts. Mike worked in the City Landfill, Department of Public Works, and the Water Department during his career. We wish Mike the best of everything!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Snow Hauling Flyer

The City of Rogers City has changed its practice of removing snow from private property. to learn more read the following:

Tips for Marketing Small Business

Courtesy of the Small Bussiness Association of Michigan (SBAM), below are 10 small business marketing tips that will help you avoid the common everyday marketing mistakes in generating sales leads:

1. Not Marketing Your Small Business Consistently
2. Not Marketing Your Small Business to a Defined Target Audience
3. Not Marketing Your Company Brand Consistently
4. Not Having a Layered & Diversified Marketing Plan
5. Not Focusing on Current Clients
6. Not Having a Customer-Centric Marketing Message
7. Not Recognizing That Slow & Steady Wins the Race
8. Not Getting Feedback
9. Not Developing a Unique Selling Proposition
10. Not Offering an Appropriate Incentive to Your Customers

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Nautical City Newsletter for November 2008


Morrell Memorial

The Great Lakes Freighter Daniel J. Morrell Roll Call Memorial will be conducted at 2:00 pm this Saturday, November 29, 2008 at the Great Lakes Lore Maritime Museum (GLLMM). The GLLMM is located at 367 N. Third Street, Rogers City, MI, 49779. You can learn more about the GLLMM and the Morrell by visiting the website at www.gllmm.com

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Smart Move--Select Michigan

Michigan Department of Agriculture (MDA) Director Don Koivisto encouraged
consumers to "Select Michigan" products when preparing for Thanksgiving.

Many of the delicious foods traditionally served at Thanksgiving are produced here in
Michigan, Koivisto said. As the second most-diverse agricultural industry in the nation, Michigan enjoys numerous local commodities from turkey and pumpkins to cranberries and wine. Make your Thanksgiving a Michigan meal. Selecting Michigan-made and grown products helps ensure the freshness and nutritional value of your meal as these local products spend less time getting to the table.

We help keep dollars working in Michigan by selecting locally grown and made products, said Koivisto. In fact, if every Michigan family spent just $10 a week on locally grown foods, it would keep $37 million working right here in the state.

Here are some additional local goodies for your enjoyment: Michigan blueberries and peaches, purple Posen potatoes, Presque Isle apples, venision, and fresh fish.

All healthy for you too!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Light Up the City!

At 6:00 pm, Wednesday, November 26, 2008, please come out to Westminster Park and "Light Up the City!" This year promises to be the BEST EVER start of the Christmas season with RC's unique Optimist Club tree lighting of more than 150 specail Christmas trees all at once. Santa will be there and so will other special friends.

This year the Chamber of Commerce has made special arrangements to give away RC Home shopping dollars and refreshments at the Lighthouse Restaurant and many merchants will be open late.

A special treat--members of the Rogers City Band will play at both the Painted Lady Cafe and the Senior Center after the tree lighting ceremony.

Best of all 40 members of the Rogers City Band will provide a free concert at the Rogers City Theater, beginning at 8:00 pm.

So, if you want to get "in the mood" for the season, come on out and "Light Up the City."

Opportunities to Help

Some people recently asked me about opportunities in Rogers City to help others during the Holiday Season. Here is a list of reliable opportunities to be a help others:

  • Rogers City Area Senior Center Christmas Dinner, 4:30-6 pm, Dec 18, 2008. The holiday meal (with all the trimmings) is available to everyone. The Senior Center is graciously accepting support to make the Christmas Dinner special (989)-734-2958
  • Salvation Army does charitable work throughout the area; this time of year is the focus for donations to the Salvation Army. If you wish to help them, contact Terry Langlois at (989)-734-2958
  • Vietnam Veteran's "Toys for Tots" project. Contact (989)-734-9096
  • Westminister Presbyterian Church offers the "Presque Isle Food Pantry" Contributions may be mailed to P.O. Box 237, Rogers City, MI 49779; or canned goods may be dropped off at the Church, located at 125 W. Ontario, Rogers City, MI; or if you want to volunteer call Beth Getzinger at 734-2592.
  • The Girl Scouts have a food drive drop box at City Hall
  • The various Service Clubs (Optimist, Lions, Kiwanis, Zonta, etc) have charitable programs. Contact them directly as listed in the phone book

There may be other opportunities of which I am unaware. If you would like to have your project/contact information included here, please let me know.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Bradley Commemorative Week

Wow! What a week. Rogers City has had a tremendous week, and its not over yet. Please check the link to the schedule of events on the home page of rogerscity.com for more Bradley Week events.

The 50th Bradley Bell Ringing Memorial Service was an excellent tribute to the sailors who "go down to the sea in ships."

The first Rogers City world film premier: "November Requiem"--outstanding!!!

The entire community came out to support and participate in these historic events and in the many other great artisitc and educational programs during the week.

For our entire community, this is a time of solemnity and celebration. This week's events demonstrate two timeless truths: there is no limit what passionate people can accomplish and the priceless value of our heritage. This week may well prove to be a true turning point in the history of Rogers City.

On behalf of all the residents of this community, thank you to the partnering organizations (Great Lakes Lore Maritime Museum, Presque Isle County Historical Museum, and Presque Isle District Library) and to the many volunteers, sponsors, and artists who's dedication, creativity, and positive attitude made possible the Bradley Commemorative Week.

We all are very grateful!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Rogers City Big Sky Attractions

Rogers City has many attractions, such as a delightful new snowfall. Here are more:

November 14-20 is the Leonid Meteor showers. Peak viewing is tonight. Watch up to 80 Meteor showers per hour.

In addition:
Tundra Swans appear
Water fowl migration peaks this month
Peak number of Sandhill Cranes at Michigan Sanctuaries
Beavers are very active in the evenings while caching a winter supply of food
Bald eagle migration peaks

Thanks to Cindy Vizinau for the information!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Michigan Oral History Association Conference

It is just the beginning....Marilou Ikens reflects on the hosting theMichigan Oral History Association (MOHA)Conference and Banquet:

"Over 125 people gathered for the Michigan Oral History Conference held over the week-end. Those attending came from as far as Washington, D.C., Wisconsin, and throughout the State of Michigan. The major highlight was certainly the gathering and recognition of WWII veterans from Presque Isle County! The evening was wonderful expression of gratitude to the men and women who served our country during WWII, with the keynoter Tom Wiener speaking about the National Veteran’s History Project. For many veterans—men and women—this was the first time that they had been recognized for their years of service! It was a long overdue honor for them!

The very special value of our hosting this conference has been the State Conference serving as a catalyst for many different projects that were held earlier and that are now being initiated here in Presque Isle County! The two weeks prior to the Conference students and teachers in our County schools studied and wrote from interviews conducted by them in each of our communities! Several of the Onaway students presented their writings at the Wooten session on Saturday afternoon.

With several people attending the Friday afternoon session on doing oral histories, we anticipate that many stories from throughout our communities will be recorded over the next few months! Multiple conversations are, also, being held about establishing a permanent repository somewhere in our county to preserve the stories of Presque Isle County veterans. Hopefully, we will see major ideas about this proposed project taking shape in the next few months!

We truly appreciate the programs and conversations that we expect will help us preserve and appreciate more the special contributions of so many citizens and veterans that live in our county! The value of the Michigan Oral History Conference goes far beyond the special two-day program that was held here!

The Huron Shores Humanities Council thanks the many, many contributors that helped make the Conference a wonderful success!"

The City of Rogers City adds its sincere thanks to all, especially Marilou Ikens, for making this successful event happen, and for planting many important seeds for the future!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Oral History Conference Coming to Rogers City

The Michigan Oral History Association MOHA Conference is here Nov 7-8, 2008.

Friday, Nov 7, 2008, at 1:00-4:30 pm, MOHA's confrence begins with a workshop: "Doing Oral History." At 6:30 pm is a banquet in honor of WWII veterans. You must pre-register for the banquet.

For a fee of $65 ($40 for students) you can take part in the great stories that shaped Michigan. Price includes including Friday's banquet, Saturday's continental breakfast and lunch. MOHA conference is a fantastic opportunity to learn about our history.

Contact me as soon as possible for registration information, or register at the door on Nov 8, at 9:00 am at the Water’s Edge. The Saturday program at Water’s Edge includes:

10-11:00 am: The Veterans History Project in Michigan

11:10-12:00 n: Marine History of Huron’s Men and Ships

12-1:00 pm: Lunch (included)

1:00-3:00 pm: Session A: Documenting Quilting Traditions: Sharing Stories and Stitches

1:00-2:00 pm: Session B: Oral History at the Walter P. Reuther Library and The Stories of Women Engineers

2:10-3:10 pm: In Their Own Words; Writing from Oral History by Terry Wooten

3:10-4:10 pm: Uncovering the Ethnic Heritage of the Huron Shore by Russell Magnaghi

Friday, October 31, 2008

Homeless Awareness Week, Nov 9-15, 2008

If anyone knows of a homeless person in Rogers City, please let me know. Let's solve this tragedy one person at a time.

Another Scarecrow

1,001 Arabian Nights of Fun!?

Tonight is going to be fun! Halloween Parade starts at 5:30 pm at Westminster Presbyterian Church, going down Main Street (Third Street) to Michigan Ave and ending at the Fire Hall. At the Fire Hall, you will find Tricks and Treats (and other goodies). Free glow braclets will be provided at the Fire Hall by the Rogers City Police Department. Trick or Treating runs throughout the City from 5:30-7:30 pm.

Rogers City Baptist Church is sponsoring a Pumpkin Patch at the Grambau Center with games, prizes, and food from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Admission is free.

For those who want to continue to party, Nautical Lanes is sponsoring a Halloween Party from 9:30 pm until midnight. There will be glow bowling and a costume contest.

Also, Mike Myers is alive and well in Rogers City! You better read this weeks Presque Isle County Advance to discover how scared you should be....

Long Distance Fun continues on Saturday as our High School Cross County Team competes in the State finals at Brooklyn Motor Speedway. The Volleyball Team is jumping at the chance to win the District Championship. Go Hurons!

But wait, there is even more great fun! The Pajama Games a live musical comedy with great local talent will be playing at Rogers City Theater, starting at 7:30 pm on Saturday, November 1, 2008; at 2 pm on Sunday, Novemebr 2, and next weekend on Friday, Nov 7 and Saturday, Nov 8 at 7:30 pm.

There are many more fun things to do here in Rogers City, but I don't have time to write about them right now. If you know of fun stuff and want to let people know about it, send me an email and, if I have time, I'll put it on my blog or the City Website calendar. What a scary thought...

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Hey Everybody,

Check out Facebook. We should start a Rogers City network

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Historic Preservation in Rogers City

Domaci Gallery in downtown Rogers City was originally built in 1927. It may be one of the ten most important historic buildings in Northern lower Michigan according to Architect/Designer Jeff Corbin.

“Architecture, of all the arts, is the one which acts the most slowly, but the most surely, on the soul”- Ernest Dimnet

The idea of historic preservation is a big idea, and the idea that historic preservation is a tool for economic development and tourism is big too.

The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has been around since the late 1960s. Since 2001 SHPO has been a part of Michigan's Department of History, Arts and Libraries. Among other things, SHPO provides assistance to Michigan's communities in their efforts to protect their historic resources. SHPO programs are also used to promote various tourism and economic development efforts. SHPO is helping Rogers City to preserve some of our buildings.

Rogers City has several great historic buildings, like the one shown above. Although some of our historic buildings have been lost to fire, urban renewal, and other tragedies of the past, there is a stock of cool historic buildings and historic site here.

If you are interested in helping to preserve these key pieces of history, please contact me. I need the help of anyone passionate about the History of Rogers City to help save and restore our priceless buildings and revitalize our downtown.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Blood Drive

Kiwanis Club International and The American Red Cross will be holding a Blood Drive at the Rogers City Senior Center on Monday, November 3, 2008 from noon to 5:45 pm.

If you have questions about the Blood Drive or if you are willing to help with set-up ot take down, please contact John Houk at 734-7359 or Sally Cercone at 734-2554. Set-up begins at 10:30 am, and take down at 6:00 pm.

If you are able, take a few moments and give blood--you might save a life!

Monday, October 27, 2008

DEQ Public Hearings on Power Plant

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) will hold public hearings on the power plant proposed by Wolverine Power Company this week. Wednesday, October 29, 2008 the first hearing will begin at 7:00 pm. Prior to the hearing an informational session using an open house format runs from 5:00 pm until 6:30 pm. On October 30, 2008, the public hearing will begin at 6:00 pm with an informational open house starting at 4:00 pm until 5:30 pm. The public hearings will be held at the Rogers City High School.

Written comments may also be submitted to the MDEQ. The deadline for comments is November 24, 2008. Send comments to Ms. Mary Ann Dolehanty, acting permit section supervisor, MDEQ, Air Quality Division, P.O. Box 30260, Lansing, MI 48909-7760.

Hoeft Historical Reenactment

P.H. Hoeft State Park Historical Reenactment, Walk Through Time Experience a Great Lakes Living History Encampment.
Enjoy an Up North fall weekend along the sandy shores of Lake Huron. Free Amenities provided to reenactors: wood, water, ice, straw, modern restrooms, showers, tin tipi campsite and entry pass.
Set-up Thursday, school groups Friday, public Saturday, break-down
Sunday, Saturday evening potluck. All reenactors must pre-register. Traders must have a Michigan State Park Vendors License. No trade blankets. For visitors, a Michigan State Park motor vehicle permit is required for the entry of each vehicle. P.H. Hoeft State Park, 5001 US 23 North, Rogers City, MI 49779
www.michigan.gov/hoeft 989-734-2543
Park Manager Blake Gingrich gingricb@michigan.com
Boushway Jean Gross 989-734-0463, mjeangross@yahoo.com

Friday, October 17, 2008

Put'in on the Ritz

The local charity fund raiser "Put'in on the Ritz" is going to Nashville for a "good ol' country" time at 6:00 pm this Saturday, October 18, 2008 at the Waters Edge Restaurant. The show is all local volunteers, including my wife and I. Proceeds go to the Hospice of Michigan.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

4-H Activities and Opportunities

If you are interested in any of the following areas, literally from A to Z: archery, bowling, tennis, geocaching, embroidery, sewing & knitting, crocheting, clock making, woodworking, tee-ball, soccer, swimming, shooting, animals, environmental science, leadership, veterinary science, arts, culture, and even zoology, then 4-H is possibly right for you. The wonderful folks at MSU Extention and the 4-H program office are looking to find adult mentors and interested young people in all these areas of interest, and more. Contact Kathy Karsten or the MSU Extionsion Office at 989-734-2168. You will be glad you did!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Donna Klein's Song Pull

Come out to Rogers City and see and hear Award-winning Performing Songwriter Donna Klein along with Special Guest Michigan Troubadour Dan Vaillancourt will perform live at The Painted Lady, located at 112 South Third Street in Rogers City on Sunday, Oct 12, 2008 at 2 pm. It will be an exciting interactive concert in an intimate setting. A donation at the door is suggested.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

International Walk to School Day

Tomorrow is International Walk to School Day. The City of Rogers City, Rogers City Public Schools, St. John and St. Ignatius are partnering to sponsor the walk to school Day. An anonymous donar has provided a special $100 Savings Bond prize for the lucky winner student who walks or bikes to school tomorrow and wins the drawing.

There are four designated pick up points where "walking school buses" lead by designated adults will head for school beginning at 7:30 am. The locations are

The corner of State and Friedrich Streets
The corner of 4th and Erie Streets
The corner of Orchard and 5th Streets
The corner of Oak and Larke Streets

Become a regular walker or a biker to school and win even better prizes--improved health, more energy, and a super outlook on life!

Rogers city is Great in 2008!

Michigan Municipal League--Mentoring

More News from the Michigan Municipal League (MML):

There is a program called Carr Champions Mentoring Michigan Kids. The program is lead by Lloyd Carr, former head football coach for the University of Michigan.

MML presented inspiring mentors: Coach Carr, "First Gentleman" Mulhern, and more. Each of the men had a story to tell about the positive impact of mentoring on their lives and on the lives of people around them. The potential result of mentoring at-risk youth in our city and other municipalities is significant.

If you are a child that comes from an unstable or chaotic home life, is there any doubt that you will struggle in school? What happens when a child goes through one, two, or more years of struggling? Maybe you struggled, and you made it with the help of a mentor--what a great story of hope to share with another young person who doesn't know if he or she will ever be successful.

Mentoring can help our community. You can be the one to help by offering a couple of hours per week to a young person who needs help.... If you are interested, please contact me at City Hall.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Daniel Pink, Author

At the Michigan Municipal Annual Convention, Daniel Pink, Author of "A Whole New Mind,"
gave an informative, inspirational, and oftentimes humorous talk. He noted that what led to successful economies in the past will not alone lead to prosperity in the future. Traditionally, fields such as accounting, engineering, computer programming, and law have provided the largest number of higher paying jobs. Left-brain skills or more logical, sequential, and linear ways of thinking characterized by these fields have dominated the job market. While these skills and fields remain important, right-brain thinking will provide the most opportunities and job growth in the years to come. Right-brain thinkers are people who are artistic, inventive, able to see the big picture, and able to identify patterns. The challenge is to acknowledge this shift and provide an environment in which this type of thinking and innovation can thrive.

It is my opinion that we in Rogers City need to take Mr. Pink's ideas to heart. We can be an outstanding community that leads the new information economy and adds to the national stock of resources. We can be a leader not only with mining, shipping, and traditional business but also with art, creativity, and other right brain thinking. Each person can find interesting, satisfying, and rewarding work right here! If you are interested in this concept, please contact me at City Hall.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Michigan Municipal League

Michigan Municipal League (MML) Executive Director and CEO, Dan Gilmartin, kicked off MML’s 110th Annual Convention on October 1, 2008 with an emphasis on creating communities for the next 50 years, not the past 50 years.

It’s up to us, Gilmartin stated emphatically. With Michigan’s economic challenges and a term limited Legislature, it is paramount that we identify new and creative ways to keep our young, educated population from choosing to live in other states. And with folks today choosing a place to live first, it is imperative that that we are creating vibrant, creative communities in which they wish to live. It is important that each of our communities create their own “sense of place” that will motivate people to live, raise families and retire in Michigan.

What will it take to develop these types of communities? Gilmartin stated that across the country and the world, these places are characterized by downtowns and neighborhoods that are vibrant places where people live and work in closer proximity, where the development preference is mixed-use commercial/residential, live-work places and buildings that generally go up instead of out.

Rogers City is certainly working to position itself to become an attractive place for creative and energetic people to work, learn, and enjoy themselves. Our City has made some progress in all the areas Gilmartin mentioned; however, we have a long way to go!

Additional speakers included Daniel Pink, Daniel Granholm Mulhern, and officials from many communities throughout Michigan. There were so many great ideas presented that it was almost overwhelming; however, my confidence is high that the people of Rogers City are up to the challenge for becoming a vibrant small city.

Along with myself, City Council members Deb Greene, Gary Nowak, and Darrin Darge and participated in the conference.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Metz Fire and Carl Bradley Anniverssary Links

Rich Warwick created two new sites recognizing up coming anniversaries of local historical events: the Metz fire (100 years) and the Bradley (50 years):



Rich says the sites are not finished but there's a lot of information to share.

Also, he says, there is a movie trailer on the Bradley film at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DktWBIpZHTk or go to youtube and type "November Requiem" in the movie seach box.

Thanks Rich, for what you do!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Fall Festival and Parks Day

This weekend is a biggie! If to Rogers City you run, you will not lack for fun. Fall Festival includes a great Art and Craft Show at Westminster Park. The Americorps Service Project "Doors for Opportunity" is also on display at Westminister Park. There is a city-wide garage sale too.

Just as exciting is the Parks Day event. A poker run for the adults and a sticker run for the kids will provide a chance to visit all nine city parks and win prizes. Each Park will have something special, such as face painting, horse shoes, or campfire skills. For the stamp and poker runs, there will be prizes such as sweat shirts, tee shirts, Rogers City Home Shopping Dollars, a Plath's gift certificate, fishing gear from the Dry Dock, and many more. There is a special electronic game, called NEOS, on display at the Lakeside Park Band Shell--it is breathtaking!

So come out and visit your city parks, and enjoy the fun!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Significant Anniversary Dates This Year

Here is some important information about significant events in the history of our community:

This fall will mark the 100th anniversary of the tragic Metz Fire of 1908.
The Metz Fire Centennial Committee is planning a major commemorative program
that will be held at St. Dominic's Church and Parish Hall in Metz, starting
at 1 p.m. on Sunday, October 12.

To keep interested persons apprised of the planned activities the Presque
Isle County Historical Museum and the Metz Fire Centennial Committee have
established a website with information about the fire and the planned
commemorative activities.

Thanks to Webmaster Rich Warwick, the site is now up and running. We'll add
additional information to the site as we go along.

Check it out at www.metzfire.com.

We are also getting ready to open a similar site with information about
planned activities on the 50th anniversary of the sinking of the Steamer
Carl D. Bradley. That site will be found at www.carldbradley.org. The
basic site should be up and running by August 27.

Mark Thompson
Presque Isle County Historical Museum
989-734-4121 or bradleymuseum@i2k.com
Check out the museum's website at www.thebradleyhouse.org.

Michigan Oral History Association in Rogers City

The Michigan Oral History Association (MOHA) Annual Conference will be held in Rogers City on Friday and Saturday, November 7-8, 2008 at the Water's Edge Huron Conference Center. The event is offered by MOHA in partnership with the Michigan Department of History, Arts and Libraries and the Huron Shores Humanities Council. The Conference begins with an oral history workshop on Friday at 1:00 p.m. Tours of area historical sites, museums and the world famous limestone quarry are planned.

A banquet and special recognition of veterans will occur at the Water's Edge Conference Center Friday evening. Tom Wiener is the keynote speaker for the banquet. He is the Historian for the Veterans History Project of the Library of Congress. He is author of Voices of War and Forever a Soldier.

Saturday, November 8, the program will include a roundtable on veterans stories, film and electronic media, marine history, quilters and their stories, Michigan celebrates the Year of the Car and labor, community culture and traditions, and student experiences in oral history and writing.

Terry Wooten, Michigan Humanities Touring Artist, oral historian and poet/bard will chair a session focused on student experiences in oral history and writing. This session is made possible by the Huron Shores Humanities Council.

Continuing Education Units (CEU) for teachers and librarians are available.

See www.michiganoha.org for registration and program information. This is a great opportunity for local residents to learn more about our rich heritage and history.

The Great North Woods

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New Trail from Park to 40 Mile Point Lighthouse

Today, at beautiful P. H. Hoeft State Park (five miles North of Rogers City), Lt. Governor John Cherry announced, to a good crowd of officials from the County, City, DNR, MDOT, and the Lighthouse Society, a grant of almost $1 million to build a trail extension for the existing trail between the City of Rogers City and Hoeft State Park. Harry Whitely of Rogers City, who's grandfather donated the 300 ares for the Park, was also on hand to celebrate this victory. Blake Gingerich, the Park Director, described how the trail will be mostly on MDOT right-of-way but also on Lighthouse, Presque Isle County, and DNR property. The new trail link will connect the existing trail out to 40 Mile Point Lighthouse. As the Lt. Governor pointed out, this new trail will be good for local residents and for tourism too. Kevin Schaedig, the project engineer for MDOT pointed out that the idea for the trail came from a previous City Manager of Rogers City, Mr. Rob Fairbanks, over ten years ago. The full project was never completed due to funding limitations; however, now the funding has been approved! All trail and nature enthusiasts rejoice!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Nautical City Festival Success

Nautical City Festival 2008 has come and gone. As the amusement rides are packed for transport, as the big tent comes down, as the City crews clean up, and as we all go back to work--we know we had a great Nautical City Festival!

The Queen's pageant was filled with drama. The car show was bigger than ever with about 100 cars. The Quilters were back and "pieceable" this year. The Texas Hold 'Em game had more players than last year. Some food booths did a record business and all the food was tasty; I know! The bands played every sort of music imaginable and loudly. The Softball Tournaments were a blast! With many interesting floats and many candidates out to great the people, the parade was a big success! Rosco gave away loads of free shakes.... The Strawberry Shortcake and Ice Cream Social sold more than ever.

Yes, there were some things that could be improved and probably will be next year. Next year will be even better.... Except perhaps the Fireworks--not sure we can top those. Happy 90th and thanks to Mrs. McLennan!

Probably best of all: no one was hurt and no one was arrested. Thanks to our citizens and guest for acting responsibly!

Certainly, for this year and these economic conditions, a lot of money was spent, vendors and businesses did well, and most everyone had a good time! It was a good week for our community.

The Festival Committee members and all the volunteers deserve a big thank you! Thank you for making our hometown so special. Rogers City is great in 2008!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Water Main Break

At the intersection of 2nd Street and Woodward, the City Water Department, lead by Chuck Kieliszewski, repaired a water main leak today, July 30, 2008. Service is now restored to the properties affected.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Classic & Custom Motorcycle Show

The 2008 Classic & Custom Motorcycle Show is coming to 40 Mile Point Lighthouse, Rogers City, Michigan on Saturday, August 30, 2008. The one day event begins at
10:00 am and continues until 6:00 pm. Trophies will be awarded for “Best in Show” and People’s Choice.

Vintage motorcycles must be at least 20 years old or older; stock motorcycles are ones that have not been altered in any way, and custom motorcycles are ones that have been physically altered in a way that changes the design of the bike in some way. Kickstands, or the equivalent, are required for all motorcycles.

Pre-registration fee is $12.00 if received prior to the event and $15.00 the day of the event. Set-up time starts at 8:00 am the day of the event.
More information, Motorcycle Registration forms and Vendor Application Forms are available at www.40milepointlighthouse.org . You may also call (989) 734-8050.


The official tourism site for the State of Michigan, www.travelmichigan.org is doing a video feature on Northeast Michigan today, July 29, 2008. They have hired a film studio and a helicopter and will be shooting pictures all along the Northeast coast including areas around Standish, Tawas, Oscoda, Harrisville, Alpena, Rogers Cit, and Cheboygan. Watch the travelmichigan.org web site for the results.

Planning Commission Acts on Wind Turbine Ordinance

Check out this link to read the text of the City's proposed new Wind Turbine Ordinance. Your comments, suggestions, or concerns are welcome. Please forward them to the City Planning Commission via jdarga@rogerscity.comWIND%20TURBINE%20ORDINANCE%20%28DRAFT%20IV%29.doc

Friday, July 25, 2008

Rogers City Pavilion

Come visit our Pavilion at Lakeside Park--a great place for all kinds of fun!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Nautical City Festival, July 29- August 3, 2008

Rogers City Nautical City Festival kicks off next week with tons of family fun and entertainment. This year's festival is honoring the Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw. To get an early start, check out the Queen's Pageant at 7:00 p.m., Friday, July 25, 2008. This year the Queen's Pageant will be at historic Rogers City Theater! This is a perfect setting for the Pageant--thanks to Theater owner Karl Heidemann. This years Festival promises to be the best ever...there will be a grand parade, a carnival, Fireworks, Big Tent Activities, Live Bands, Texas Hold'em tournament, Clowns, an Antique & Classic Car Show, a Juried Arts & Craft Show, special events for the children, and much more entertainment. All in the charming small town setting of Rogers City on beautiful Lake Huron. Please check the printed brochure for schedule details, or contact the Nautical City Festival Office (989) 734-4656. Additional information can also be found online at www.presqueislemi.com

Friday, July 18, 2008

Community Recreation Plan Update

The City Council has approved, and the Parks and Recreation Commission of Rogers City has begun a year long process of creating an updated Community Recreation Plan.

The Commission is looking for public input to the current plan. The Commission will hold public hearing on the plan during the fall of 2008 and spring 2009 (at dates and times to be determined) to help gather public suggestions. All residents and visitors are always welcome to make suggestions at anytime. Use the email features on this web site to send in your comments or suggestions. An electronic version of the current Community Recreation Plan can be found on this website under the Parks and Recreation Commission tab in the City Government Menu.

The current Community Recreation Plan was published in 2004 and is due for update in 2009. The updated plan should include recreation programs from the community's public and private schools as well as the City's parks and recreation programs. Even private commercial or charitable recreational projects and programs should be included in the inventory section of the plan. Therefore, if you know of facilities or programs that are not listed in the current plan, please forward this information to the City Staff.

The reason the plan needs to be updated every five years is that the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources (DNR) must review and approve an updateed plan every five years in order for the community to qualify for DNR grants. There are several great opportunities to obtain low match funding from DNR grant programs. The City of Rogers City is seeking to make major improvements in our parks and recreation facilities and programs. We want to continue to expand our reputation as the City of "Parks and Trails" with new hiking, biking, skiing, snowmobiling, and even horseback riding trail links and extentions in our community and out toward the countryside. Also, as a coastal community, we want to improve exisiting parks facilities with public restrooms, picnic shetlers, public art, and other features to attract tourists, and make the community more enjoyable to local residents too. If you are interested in seeing these sorts of improvements in our community, please contact me.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Geocashing Comes to Rogers City

If you like adventure, exercise, discovery, and looking for new things, then check out the Geocashing in Rogers City. Neil Burchett, of Rogers City, put together the first Geocashing event in Rogers City on July 12, 2008. There were twenty teams and about 40 people participated. There were five geocaches filled with a log book and trinkets at different locations on the Huron Sunrise Trail, between the 40 Mile Point Lighthouse and downtown Rogers City. If you want to find out more about Geocashing, Neil can be contacted via the 40 Mile Point Lighthouse Association.

City named as Michigan Main Street Associate

Great News for Rogers City! The State of Michigan has named Rogers City as an Associate Member of the Michigan Main Street Program. This designation is in recognition of the efforts the City and the Community Development Authority (CDA) to implement the Main Street program. The primary benefit to being named a Michigan Main Street Associate is that the City and CDA will receive free training on how to improve the downtown. The press release below is the official announcement.


Contact: Mary Lou Keenon

Telephone: 517/373-0011


July 17, 2008

MSHDA Announces Michigan Main Street Associate Level Communities

LANSING – Keith Molin, interim executive director of the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) announced today that 17 Michigan communities have been selected by MSHDA to take part in the Michigan Main Street Associate Level program. The 17 selected communities will receive training over the next one to two years in the basics of Main Street, including training in organization and promotion, economic restructuring and design and quarterly Michigan Main Street training.

“Michigan’s economy cannot thrive without thriving downtowns.” Molin said. “This program is creating opportunities for new development and economic growth in downtowns across our state.”

The Michigan Main Street Associate program is part of Governor Granholm’s Cool Cities Initiative to create vibrant communities in Michigan. These efforts are based on numerous recent studies showing that investing in our downtowns creates vibrant centers, making our state economically stronger. The 17 communities to receive the Michigan Main Street Associate Level designation are:

· Belding

· Blissfield

· Brighton

· Davison

· East Jordan

· Eaton Rapids

· Escanaba

· Grand Rapids “Uptown”

· Lansing Principal Shopping District

· Manistique

· Mt. Pleasant

· Owosso

· Owosso West Town

· Plainwell

· Rogers City

· Ypsilanti

· Zeeland

Communities wishing to become a Michigan Main Street Community or request information regarding the Michigan Main Street Associate program are asked to contact Laura Krizov at MSHDA at (517) 241-4237.

MSHDA is a quasi-state agency that provides financial and technical assistance through public and private partnerships to create and preserve safe and decent affordable housing, engage in community economic development activities, and address homeless issues. MSHDA’s loans and operating expenses are financed through the sale of tax-exempt and taxable bonds and notes to private investors, not from state tax revenues. For more information on MSHDA programs and initiatives, visit the Web site at www.michigan.gov/mshda.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Another Great Weekend in Rogers City

The weekend starts early with the famous Rogers City Band providing a free concert at 7:00 pm, Thursday, July 17, 2008 at the Lakeside Park band shell.

Petoskey Steel Drum Band is free in concert at Lakeside Park Friday, July 18th. The beautiful noise starts at 7:00 pm--this show is always a lot of fun!

Then coming Saturday, July 19th, the Huron Shore Barbershop Chorus will be performing at Lakeside Park band shell, starting at 7:00 pm.

Artist John Copley is featured at the Domaci Gallery in downtown Rogers City on Saturday, July 19 from 6-10 pm, and Sunday, July 20, from 11 am to 5 pm, 2008.

Also, there are plenty of other wonderful things to do, not limited too but including: great fishing (I'm told a 27 inch steelhead was caught recently near Rogers City), our new Fossil Park (located in South Shore Park behind the concession stand at the little league fiels), walking or riding all our great trails and beaches (miles and miles of them), and enjoying the great food at our fine eateries.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Catch Up

I've gotten behind on my weblog--sorry about that--there is always a lot going on in Rogers City! For example, last week the City Council and key staff participated in Mayor Exchange with St. Ignace. This was a wonderful experience, and I learned a lot. We showed off our city to their Mayor, Council Members, and key staff on
July 8, 2008, and they returned the favor on July 10, 2008. St. Ignace is a wonderful City with a fantastic location and rich history! Everyone living in Rogers City should visit St. Ignace to learn more about our neighbor and to see all the great things they are doing to improve their community. The St. Ignace Mayor, City Council, and Staff were most gracious hosts. On behalf of myself and all of us from Rogers City, thank you for making this Mayor Exchange so meaningful!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Water Main Leak on 5th Street

City Residents on or near Fifth Street may experience some water service interuptions today due to a probable water main leak in that area. The City Water Department and DPW crews are doing everything possible to fix the leak and return service to normal. If you have questions, please call City Hall 734-2191.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Big Weekend in Rogers City

This Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, June 20-22, 2008 are shaping up as a big weekend in Rogers City. Just some of the fun activities are a world class bike tour (Fri-Sun); the City-wide garage sale (Fri-Sat--for more information contact the Chamber of Commerce at 989-734-2535); start of the free summer concert series (7 pm Sat)--"The Bel Airs;" the Arts and Craft Show at Westminister Park (9-5 Sat, featuring great craftspersons and artists from around the region); and a Special Live Theatrical Presentation at the Waters Edge Restuarant (6 pm Fri): "I Buried an Idol" (for tickets, contact the Rogers City Theater). Also, many downtown merchants are holding special sales this weekend. Finally, Presque Isle Harbor, just a few miles down US-23, is holding the Wooden Boat Show--always a great event! Call it the a Spring fling or the first official weekend of summer--either way, visit Rogers City for good, clean family fun!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Summer Concert Series

Rogers City Summer Concert Series at Lakeside Park (Provided by Anne Belanger)

The Summer Concert Series is here and once again music to the ears begins again in Lakeside Park in downtown Rogers City. It’s an ideal place for the entire family to listen to performing artists from throughout Michigan and enjoy the beautiful surroundings next to the harbor for six weeks of music…for free! Many of the performances are distinctive and widely recognized for their outstanding musical talent.

The music series is scheduled every Thursday and Friday evening starting at 7:00 pm at the band shell in Lakeside Park. Performing on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm, the Rogers City Concert Band will present an array of musical selections from classics to film themes, jazz and contemporary hits, and audience embraced marches.

Coinciding with the second annual Sunrise Adventure Bicycle Tour sponsored by the League of Michigan Bicyclists, a special engagement on Saturday, June 21st features the Bel Airs, a seven piece band playing classic 50s-60s music and good ‘ol rock ‘n roll. Returning to Rogers City on Friday, June 27th is a bluegrass favorite, Chasin’ Steel Band from Marquette, Michigan. Nationally acclaimed as an authentic Bluegrass band, their original bluegrass tunes are filled with energy, great rhythm with a rock and roll attitude that was a great hit with the audience last year. “Anyone looking for the combination of country music in overdrive, bluegrassy hot picking, and fun on stage”…come and see and listen to the Chasin’ Steel Band.

July 4th is celebrated with the Bourbon Street Dixieland Band performing authentic musical favorites from New Orleans and ragtime. The Bourbon Street Dixieland Band features classic Dixieland Jazz from New Orleans and Chicago from the 1915 to 1930’s era and vocal presentations of Louie Armstrong’s music as well. What a great way to start the holiday festivities!

Strap your dancing shoes on, as some did last summer, and get into the music from Louisiana and sounds of Cajun, Creole, and Zydeco. K. Jones & the Benzie Playboyz returns on Friday, July 11th. Recognized by the “Northern Express” magazine and voted as the “Number one roots band in northern Michigan.” They lead everyone into the energy of Louisiana and ignite the crowd for one memorable night out.

The sound of the islands returns with the Petoskey Steel Drum Band on Friday, July 18th. Consisting of 24 piece instrumentalists from the Petoskey area high school, these talented young musicians perform Calypso, Reggae, and favorites from the islands. Many who attended last year found themselves dancing to the rhythm of the steel drums. Keeping the music playing on through the weekend, the Huron Shore Barbershop Chorus will treat the audience to a special musical evening on Saturday, July 19th at the bandshell. This 19-member chorus with members from throughout northeast Michigan will entertain the audience with quality vocals performing in pure harmony. Wrapping up the Friday evening concerts is the dynamic duo, The McKinney Washtub Two performing on Friday, July 25th. They combine a variety of music from traditional, country, western, folk, ragtime, blues, and gospel. All of this entwined with comedy and storytelling techniques. Their talents together offer tunes to set you swaying and tapping, and words to get you thinking and laughing.

The Rogers City Concert Band concludes their season with a performance on Tuesday, July 29th just prior to the Nautical Festival.

Additional concerts and performances will be held at the band shell throughout the remainder of the summer. So please stay tuned through your local paper and announcements.

Lakeside Park has free parking and an open pavilion is located on the grounds providing food and refreshments for the general public to purchase. Large hardwood trees provide abundant shade for concertgoers and city picnic tables and benches are available to relax and even have a picnic. Concert schedule flyers are available throughout town including City Hall, local retail businesses, motels and markets, Chamber of Commerce, public library, and state parks.

The Summer Concert Series at Lakeside Park is made possible by the City of Rogers City and through grant support from the Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs and the Cheboygan Area Arts Council, The Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan, and The United Communities Foundation. Thank you to local sponsors including Calcite Credit Union, Huron National Bank, Independent Bank, Rogers City Community Development Authority, Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners, and Domaci Gallery.

Enjoy the musical entertainment this summer down at Lakeside Park, Rogers City. For more information regarding the Summer Concert Series at Lakeside Park, call 734-2191 or visit the website at www.rogerscity.com.

Anne Belanger provided the information in this message. The City of Rogers City thanks Anne all her efforts to enrich our community, especially for planning, securing, and guiding the Summer Concert Series.

If you wish to make a donation to help fund the Summer Concert Series, please contact City Hall at 989-734-2191.

New Department of Public Works Director

Rogers City Hires Roger Wenzel to Head the Department of Public Works.

Today, Roger Wenzel becomes the Director of the Department of Public Works (DPW) for the City of Rogers City. Roger Wenzel replaces Bill Robin who is retiring, after 34 years with the City. Roger was the most successful of the five candidates interviewed for the position. The City received 19 applications for the job which pays a salary of between $46,000 and $50,000 depending on qualifications. Roger Wenzel showed the most positive attitude and energy of all those interviewed. Also, Roger had worked in our DPW for over ten years and had experience in all aspects of its operation. Due to financial limitation, the City is not planning to fill Roger Wenzel's previous position at this time.

Bill Robin did a great job leading DPW for over seven years, and he will be missed. Bill was well regarded by most everyone in Rogers City for his can-do approach, skill, & friendliness. Cake and farewell gifts will be presented to Bill Robin at 1:00 pm on June 24, 2008 at City Hall.

Bill and Karen Robin plans to live in Rogers City after retirement, and hope to spend more time with their grandchildren. City staff members wish Bill and Karen a wonderful retirement!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Downtown Promotion Committee

The City of Rogers City and the Community Development Authority are looking for volunteers to help with our Promotions Committee. The purpose of this committee is to "help create a positive image of our downtown and to encourage consumers and investors to do business there, to work there, and live in our great downtown. There are tremendous opportunities in Rogers City's downtown right now! This downtown has a unique character, historic buildings, great public facilities (like a 90 slip public Marina with boat launch, miles of wonderful sandy beaches, and great public parks and trails), and fabulous views of beautiful Lake Huron. We need people who will help us promote our community. So, if you are interested, please contact me at mslown@rogerscity.com

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Rogers City Receives Vibrant Small Cities Initiative (VSCI) Grant Agreement

On June 4, 2008, the City of Rogers City received a VSCI grant agreement from the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) to provide $517,500 in grant funding to accomplish downtown improvements. The projects include an economic study with implementation funds, wayfinding improvements, streetlight improvements, watermain improvements, Senior Center improvements, and downtown facade improvements. Previously, the City received a grant agreement for $152,000 in additional facade improvement projects. The projects are scheduled to begin in July 2008 and be completed by December 2009. There will be public participation sessions for many of these projects. Check here for details as the projects progress.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Welcome to the City Manager’s Blog! I will use this blog to provide information to users of the City’s web site.

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