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Friday, July 18, 2008

Community Recreation Plan Update

The City Council has approved, and the Parks and Recreation Commission of Rogers City has begun a year long process of creating an updated Community Recreation Plan.

The Commission is looking for public input to the current plan. The Commission will hold public hearing on the plan during the fall of 2008 and spring 2009 (at dates and times to be determined) to help gather public suggestions. All residents and visitors are always welcome to make suggestions at anytime. Use the email features on this web site to send in your comments or suggestions. An electronic version of the current Community Recreation Plan can be found on this website under the Parks and Recreation Commission tab in the City Government Menu.

The current Community Recreation Plan was published in 2004 and is due for update in 2009. The updated plan should include recreation programs from the community's public and private schools as well as the City's parks and recreation programs. Even private commercial or charitable recreational projects and programs should be included in the inventory section of the plan. Therefore, if you know of facilities or programs that are not listed in the current plan, please forward this information to the City Staff.

The reason the plan needs to be updated every five years is that the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources (DNR) must review and approve an updateed plan every five years in order for the community to qualify for DNR grants. There are several great opportunities to obtain low match funding from DNR grant programs. The City of Rogers City is seeking to make major improvements in our parks and recreation facilities and programs. We want to continue to expand our reputation as the City of "Parks and Trails" with new hiking, biking, skiing, snowmobiling, and even horseback riding trail links and extentions in our community and out toward the countryside. Also, as a coastal community, we want to improve exisiting parks facilities with public restrooms, picnic shetlers, public art, and other features to attract tourists, and make the community more enjoyable to local residents too. If you are interested in seeing these sorts of improvements in our community, please contact me.

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