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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Michigan Oral History Association in Rogers City

The Michigan Oral History Association (MOHA) Annual Conference will be held in Rogers City on Friday and Saturday, November 7-8, 2008 at the Water's Edge Huron Conference Center. The event is offered by MOHA in partnership with the Michigan Department of History, Arts and Libraries and the Huron Shores Humanities Council. The Conference begins with an oral history workshop on Friday at 1:00 p.m. Tours of area historical sites, museums and the world famous limestone quarry are planned.

A banquet and special recognition of veterans will occur at the Water's Edge Conference Center Friday evening. Tom Wiener is the keynote speaker for the banquet. He is the Historian for the Veterans History Project of the Library of Congress. He is author of Voices of War and Forever a Soldier.

Saturday, November 8, the program will include a roundtable on veterans stories, film and electronic media, marine history, quilters and their stories, Michigan celebrates the Year of the Car and labor, community culture and traditions, and student experiences in oral history and writing.

Terry Wooten, Michigan Humanities Touring Artist, oral historian and poet/bard will chair a session focused on student experiences in oral history and writing. This session is made possible by the Huron Shores Humanities Council.

Continuing Education Units (CEU) for teachers and librarians are available.

See www.michiganoha.org for registration and program information. This is a great opportunity for local residents to learn more about our rich heritage and history.

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