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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Economic Opportunity Project--The Strategy Report

I am pleased to announce Sharon Woods, Principle at Land Use USA, has completed a draft of the Market Strategy Report.  The basic document is 43 pages and the entire report is over 200 pages--a significant effort!  This document is available at City Hall and will soon be on this website for your review and comment.  The document is based on surveys from citizens, public records, comments from over 100 people who attended two public meetings, interviews, economic data, Census information, and comments made at public meetings.  In a short period of time Sharon Woods has learned much about our community.

Sharon, the Community Development Authority (CDA), and City Council are seeking your comments, opinions, suggestions, etc.  Please be aware that some of the information and ideas in the strategy report are subject to change, verification, and correction.  If you note any errors, please let us know.  We want the most accurate report possible.  However, some ideas and suggestions in the report are Sharon Woods's alone and not subject to "correction."  Her views reflect her professional opinion and may not be the official view of City government. 

Sharon, who has many years experience in this field, has cast a critical eye on our community with the intent of helping Rogers City to improve in a very competitive market.  Some of her comments are favorable, but others are not.  She has not picked favorites, or pulled punches.  Instead, she has provided us with a unique opportunity to use her report to improve our community.  Take no offense over any part of the report because no offense is intended.  Instead, let each of us very seriously consider that our economic future is, at least in part, dependent on how well and vigorously we work together as a community.  Rather than Washington D.C., or Lansing, the community's vitality and appearance, our local public policy, and the economic opportunities we create will define Rogers City's future. 

Please send all comments directly to me.  After the final report is completed and accepted by the CDA and City Council, a public meeting will be scheduled to summarize the report for everyone.  Then we begin the process of moving forward.  Yes, we will move forward!

Thank you for your time and community spirit.  May God bless Rogers City.

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