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Monday, February 15, 2010

Economic Opportunity Project--Final Report

Tomorrow is the Big Day!  Please attend the final presentation of Rogers City's Economic Opportunity Project.  The presentation will begin at 7:00 pm, Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at the Senior Center.

Refreshments will be provided.  Sharon Woods will present findings from her five-month economic study of our community.  Carmine Avantini will facilitate the meeting and help us guide our community in the way forward to increased prosperity.

How should we address our need for jobs?  What can be done to help make our children's future brighter?  What opportunities exist right now?  How can we make a better place for retirees and for young people?  How can we revitalize our historic main street, and make it the vibrant heart of our community? 

Whatever your point of view, you will have an opportunity to express yourself at this meeting.  Families, students, business owners, property owners, job seekers, and people with jobs are welcome. 

Our economic future begins now! 

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